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This is what it could look like when one completely deconstructs a life as one knows it, and how to build from the ground up. Alternatively, this is a fresh look at an old story. The fine art of falling apart.

existential something or other

as in, what the fuck does it all mean?
I think I've got that bit figured out. I think everything means really, nothing. That we're these bad, locust-like, animals that are on our way out. And then we die as people, and go to wherever we hope to go. And that's it.

There isn't some big tribunal at the end of our lives that judges us for our sins or lack of them. No 'bigger picture' that as individuals, we are talking part in. I mean, other than the evolution of life. But who's concerned about that, on a daily basis? Not me. I don't particularly care if humans evolve to something that has built-in speakers for 24 hour a day music feed. Or just with an extra arm that allow us to do three things at once. That doesn't matter to me.

But interestingly enough, I wonder what happens to someone like me when they've come to this conclusion. Could it be game over? Or is there something else....that I could believe in enough to take part in.

So, the part that I've not figured out, is the bit around what do to after you've figured out the 1st bit. What to do, what to do....

Yeah, I'm stuck in that circle of thought for now. It's like wondering what the hell can I do now?

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