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This is what it could look like when one completely deconstructs a life as one knows it, and how to build from the ground up. Alternatively, this is a fresh look at an old story. The fine art of falling apart.

I want to eat that last donut in the next office. And I don't even like Bostom Cream. Ick.

When I am working at my desk, I get cold. My nose is so cold, it feels not a part of me. My feet, although encased in socks are still freezing. Invariably, my routine is that I run home and jump in a scalding hot tubful of water to warm up before nesting on the couch to watch reruns of CSI.

How can anyone not like that show? And why am I so cold? Is it because I am eating zero fat?

One of my coworkers left almost 2 hours ago for lunch, she wanted me to cover her for 10 minutes. Meanwhile, I'm starving and hopping to get out of the office for a few minutes. I have to buy more Diet Dr. Pepper so I want to run to Wal-mart before it becomes clogged with friday afternoon payday shoppers. And maybe a new toy for Buckley.

I haven't picked up my camera in over two weeks. Ok, that's a lie. I have picked it up, I just haven't taken any photographs. There just hasn't been any inspiration for it, even though I have several props that would go well with what I want to photograph (when the mood strikes). When is the past really the past?

When both parties forget it ever happened. I need a labotomy. Stat! Just kidding. I'm going to save money for that trip to Amsterdam.

there's just so many things I want to do in a hotel in Amsterdam. It looks so good on paper.

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